Doonan Titanium™ Standard Drop Deck Specifications

Specifications | ||
S T R U C T U R E |
Model Number | 482ABLICEQKBR |
Beam Rating | 60,000 lbs in 10 feet | |
Overall Length | 48’ 0” | |
Top Deck Length | 10’ 0” | |
Rear Deck Length | 38’ 0” | |
Width | 102” | |
Rear Deck Height | 41” | |
Fifth Wheel Height | 49” | |
King Pin Setting | 18” | |
Top Flange Thickness | 1” × 5” extruded aluminum top rail | |
Bottom Flange Thickness | 1.05” × 6” extruded aluminum bottom rail | |
Web Thickness | 0.380” web aluminum | |
Beams | Two (2) 25” deep manufactured beams incorporating the New HUCK BOLT BOBTAIL |
Fifth Wheel & Gooseneck | Steel | |
Cross Sill Height | 5” alum. crossmembers on 12” centers | |
Side Rail | 7.4” alum side rail with integrated J hook and winch track, and the New CONTINUOUS CONTACT RUB RAIL (CCRR) |
Flooring | Aluminum Floor W/ 3 Apitong Nailers | |
Paint | Aluminum Trailer: Susp & Axles are Undercoated, LG/FW painted Silver | |
A X L E S & S U S P E N S I O N S |
Suspension Type | INTRAAX |
Number of Axles | 2 axles – 23,000 lb nominal with 77.5” tracking | |
Axle Spacing | 122” – set to the rear | |
Sliding Axles | No Sliding Axles | |
Axle Spindle | Tapered Spindle | |
Lift Axle Kits | None Standard | |
Hub & Drums | Lightweight steel hub and fused drums | |
Bearing Lubricant | Synthetic Semi Fluid Grease in hubs | |
Outer Wheels | 22.5” × 8.25” Aluminum – Milled | |
Inner Wheels | 22.5” × 8.25” Aluminum – Milled | |
Tires | General HT 255/70R22.5 | |
Spare Wheel & Tire | None Standard | |
Tire Carrier | None Standard | |
Tire Inflation System | None Standard | |
Mudflaps | One Pair Per Axle | |
A I R & L I G H T S |
ABS | Wabco 4S/2M |
Brakes | Spring brakes with auto slack adjusters | |
Brake Dust Covers | None Standard | |
Light Kit | Standard Grote LED | |
Clearance Lights | 5 Clearance Lights Per Side | |
Rear Lights | 3-3-3 Standard LED Rear Lights | |
Conspicuity Tape | Per NHTSA spec | |
Flag Holders | Not Included | |
Certificate Holder | Not Included | |
FHWA Inspection | Not Included | |
M I S C. |
Omit Front Stake Pockets | |
Omit Rear Stake Pockets & Rubrail | ||
Manual Dock Dump Valve | ||
Winch Track – Both Sides | ||
Rubber Dock Bumpers | ||
Weight | 8,938 lbs |